However, you’ll still need a third-party addon for habit-tracking to work on Todoist. Three things you’ll find in common are that they reward you with points when you complete your tasks on time, and let you track your habits. Todoist and TickTick offer a set of additional features to enhance your productivity. Also, you get an Inbox on both to-do list managers where you can throw in any tasks without a due date. If you don’t want to go through all this fuss about managing your tasks, both apps use due dates to categorize your tasks into Today and Upcoming or Next 7 Days.

Unlike TickTick, Todoist offers location-based reminders on all platforms. It keeps track of all your tasks, projects, and goals in an organized manner within the application with a beautiful interface.

Finally, Todoist also allows you to take notes, add attachments via comments, and also add location-based reminders. By Aadesh / JPlanify is a feature rich and open source task manager that can be synced with your Google Tasks or Todoist account so that your tasks get synced across different devices. For instance, if you want to categorize a work project with research and reporting as subtasks, you can create labels for both.

Organising notes, journals, using task-oriented apps helps to maintain the whole system and it saves a lot of time and effort. Stay organised: Keeping things organised while studying helps in boosting productivity. Similar to TickTick’s tags, Todoist offers labels to further organize tasks inside the projects. 1 day ago &0183 &32 Here are some tips that can help you boost your productivity and enhance your overall performance.