We will inform you if opportunities become available to do so. There are quite a few technical hurdles when it comes to Warframe compression on Switch, so there is still much to explore for potential future remasters that more appropriately suit the platform. The reason being that Switch uses a different texture compression than PS4 and XB1, meaning that it will not see as dramatic of a difference in the overall size of Warframe as the other platforms after the update launches. We are remastering our textures and lightmaps game wide! However, unlike PS4 and XB1, this is not the start of the “ensmallening” on Switch that we’ve seen over on PC. “Heart of Deimos: Interim Update 29.2.1” has officially been sent to Cert! This means that having the necessary space on your Nintendo Switch is necessary to accept this update. For the Tenno out there who have not equipped their Nintendo Switch with an SD card and have no other games downloaded, this update will continue to hold Warframe over the base memory allowance. This will make Warframe’s total size on the Nintendo Switch approximately ~25.1 GB. This is due to the remastering process touching on all of the textures in the game so it will take a bit longer to download.

Please note that the download size will appear larger (6 GB) than the update’s actual total size (300 MB). “Heart of Deimos: Interim Update 29.2.1” has passed Cert and will be going LIVE tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th ~11 AM ET! “Heart of Deimos: Interim Update 29.2.1” is live!